Any ideas on fuel pickups? Clunks?

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I was going to order some Clunks this week but figured I'd see what other alternatives there were out there first.

I am going to leave my regular pickup at the same height but want to use the clunks on the reserve to get right down to the bottom of the tank.

I'd extend them both to the bottom but I like knowing when I'm low but still having enough to get back to the launch.

For those of you that don't know what Clunks are, here you go;


This Is The Way
Staff member
The "Fuel Line Fitting Bottom Fuel Chaser/Clunker Euro Tanks $9.50" is 1/4" but no filter, I use an inline fuel filter anyways.



So long and thanks for all the fish
Jet Ski Solutions' stuff is mostly available through mcmaster and other suppliers, you just gotta know how to find it.

However, John @ JSS ***DOES*** (corrected) provide a great service collecting all the bits/pieces so you can get it all at one place, plus he has other items you can't find.

I didn't use a clunk with mine, I have the fuel pickup assembly going in the front/left where the fuel fill normally is, bent the aluminum tubes downward and put short pieces of tygon on aimed at the back/bottom of the tank and it works great.

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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
All I really need is the clunk Itself, I can get all the stainless fittings and tubing from work.

Yamanube; where does it say that clunk is 1/4" I read above it and saw that most of the other fittings on that page are 1/8" so I assumed that everything would be.

I agree, the filter is unnecessary.


This Is The Way
Staff member
Have been using them all season, no problems yet. I put a couple of the ring style hose clamps on them (the kind they use on motorcycles), pretty sure they are still on the lines:veryhappy:


So long and thanks for all the fish
All I really need is the clunk Itself, I can get all the stainless fittings and tubing from work.

Yamanube; where does it say that clunk is 1/4" I read above it and saw that most of the other fittings on that page are 1/8" so I assumed that everything would be.

I agree, the filter is unnecessary.

1/8" NPT, which means it's likely 1/4" tubing size on the nipples.


I'd say that John's (Jet Ski Solutions) is the one to go for. It comes with Tygon tubing. With clunks, you need them to be "heavier" than the tubing that they are attaching to. With Tygon you get that as it is very soft. With all that other stuff that people sell in colors and such, even if it is soft when you install it, in six months it will harden to a fixed position from the fuel and the clunk setup won't work properly. Not bad for a couple extra bucks. That Tygon line is easily more than $1.50 per foot at lawn mower stores. If you are planning to use stainless line, then you don't need a clunk.
Oops didn't see that in your first post.

And jett did you mean "does" or "doesn't"? I have always been very happy with JSS.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Hummm. What problem do these solve?
I've never had a problem with my stock pickups getting down to the last 1/4 inch of fuel.
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