Any ideas on fuel pickups? Clunks?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Hummm. even in surf?

Yup, even in surf.

Wydopen said:
i just use the reserve pickup only with the factory tubing..never had a problem..keep it simple

That's what I'm thinking. I got both pickups at reserve line length. No issues.
But apparently some people do, so good solution for that, I suppose.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
i just use the reserve pickup only with the factory tubing..never had a problem..keep it simple

Factory simple failed me last weekend and my ski died in 9ft+ surf, I switched to reserve but it was still sputtering and would die if my ski tilted at all. Reserve has to work so if I'm going to mod it at all, I want to do it the best way available. Thats why I ask these questions.
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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
You must have been extremely low on gas. And in 9 footers that is human error. Clunks can't help that.:dunno:

I still had at least 4 inches of fuel in the tank. I've never run the ski out before and was amazed that I didn't have more of a warning. I switched to reserve and headed back immediately but it was still acting up on the way back in. I'm going to check my reserve pickup for airleaks too, maybe the extender hose is cracked or loose on the tube.
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You must have been extremely low on gas. And in 9 footers that is human error. Clunks can't help that.:dunno:


i only have one pickup (reserve) and have never ran out of gas..just need to be more careful...just shorten your "on" so that you will have to switch to reserve earlier and you will know when its time to come in...i can tell when i get to a 1/4 tank cause you can feel that the ski is lighter up front


I still had at least 4 inches of fuel in the tank. I've never run the ski out before and was amazed that I didn't have more of a warning. I switched to reserve and headed back immediately but it was still acting up on the way back in. I'm going to check my reserve pickup for airleaks too, maybe the extender hose is cracked or loose on the tube.

yea sounds like it may be something else


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A. has them for $2.58 each with the stainless ball check valve inside and fine mesh screen on the outside.

The stock fuel line is about 3/16" inside diameter.

My personal opinion is that if there is any water sitting at the bottom of your tank, a clunk will find it and suck it in.

I am running a JSS clunk now, only because I damaged my "reserve" tube and happened to see the JSS clunk at John's place when I was dropping off some parts. I am switching back to stock as soon as I get around to posting a msg in the WTB forum.

In the mean time I cut the clunk line so it only gets within 1/2 inch of the bottom.
Also I can't believe you guys run your ski that close to empty.

My squarenose handles one thousand times better when the tank is completely full.

When I get down to 3/4 full, I head for shore to fill up.


actually the ski rides much better from 1/2 tank down in my world
i have thought about clunks but am fine with the stock reserve set up

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I pulled the pickup out last night and inspected it. The reserve line has been cut on an angle so it doesn't reach the bottom of the tank, I'm guessing the previous owner of the fuel pickup had water issues. I am going to replace the tube and verify it reaches the bottom of the tank and go from there.

No water was in the tank.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
I usually end up making my own clunks. I use the short 1.5" kawasaki pickup screen that is attached to their fuel pickup lines. Then I drill out a few of the stainless pump mounting nuts. Slip it on to a length of tube. works good enough.


This Is The Way
Staff member
I will also admit the clunk allows me to use more fuel than the stock pickup did. And being that I burn a gallon every 10 minutes and only carry 3 gallons, using as much fuel as possible is key to not having to swim to shore.
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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
This was the first time I have ever run that low for fuel, Usually I get down around 1/2 tank at the very least. Conditions were such this weekend that we just ended up staying out longer than usual and I was riding harder and burning more fuel. The 2 other guys riding with me ride way harder and usually burn a full tank to my 1/2 so i usually follow them and fuel when they do. They both came in on empty this time but were also running clunkers so they could get away with it. Personally I like the comfort of having lots of fuel and fuelling often but I also like the idea of the clunkers so that should I ever need it, I know it's there.

Be prepared and plan for the worst.
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