Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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would u take off later than taylor on this one? (keeping in mind taylor is one of the most talented guys to ever step on a ski)

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I do see a wave I would ride around or in which is all I ever said. I have no idea nor would I care to do it better than someone.

Except you...I will gladly outride you...whatever that means...LMAO! Your a star dude!


I do see a wave I would ride around or in which is all I ever said. I have no idea nor would I care to do it better than someone.

Except you...I will gladly outride you...whatever that means...LMAO! Your a star dude!

no u said u would take the same line as the guy getting shacked on the 50footer
no u said u would take the same line as the guy getting shacked on the 50footer

Again whats is your point? Odd poster you are?

I said it and I meant it..I also said I would get out and away much faster though. I mean much faster. I would pin it and get out. He was a on a surf board. I would not do that.


Again whats is your point? Odd poster you are?

I said it and I meant it..I also said I would get out and away much faster though. I mean much faster. I would pin it and get out. He was a on a surf board. I would not do that.

and as i said and meant..put your money where your mouth me a picture of you inside a barrel of a wave of any size and you can have my ski..
please provided a video or picture of you landing a reentry (not landing on the back of the wave) and i will retract my statement

Oh Geesh my rep with you hinges on me posting a pic of myself doing a re entry! LMAO! I'm good dude.

If you come to some free rides we will ride and I will outride you. fair enough? Anyone can judge......even you. LOL.....that is how much I care.

All joking aside based on your pics and nervous Nelly tude I am quite sure I could clearly out ride you....again whatever that means...

Someone judge us in Daytona on surf shredding and loser donates 250 to charity!
It sounded as if you were mocking my 250.00.

If not, oh well.

250 is a chunk to me. But I will gladly give it if defeated in a shred contest of some sort.


It sounded as if you mocking my 250.00.

If not, oh well.

250 is a chunk to me. But I will gladly give it if defeated in a shred contest of some sort.

yea thats allot for me too...u might as well drop it off at the salvation army on your way home if u are willing to make that bet..all kidding aside my offers stand


Daytona 2010....Cherry buster....Sickest trick..........and now, new for 2010................CAGE MATCH!

:whatta ya think bill, how will the cali guy fare against the ohio guy?
: Well Bob, the cali guy's got way more surf experience, but the ohio guy seems to be very aggressive and really wants this win.
: Yes, and the cali guy, most likely existing on bean sprouts and sushi might have a slight protien disadvantage against the ohio guy who's been eating plenty of sausage, animal fats and hogies.
: True, but you can never underestimate the power of conviction and heart!
: that's right bob. This could go either way.
: that cali diet could just make the difference though....a little lighter in the tray, a little more spry, a little quicker reaction time......
: I'm really not sure which way this will go, Bill. It will be something to remember, for sure!
: The Vegas odds makers are chiming in........
It's dead even......they seem to like the ohio guy's guts! Even though cali guy has got him in every other catagory....
WOW THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT!.....................
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