Surfriding Anybody use this for saltwater riding?

I'm thinking about getting some pb blaster for for my total loss if I can find some. I believe it is 100% silicone spray. It this what everyone uses? Good or bad Idea?

pb blaster.jpg
I think it is a bad idea, could be wrong. We use PB Blaster for rusted hardware loosening (penetrate oil). On the can it states it will eat thru a styrofoam cup so it may damage certain materials.


FREEdumb obtained
i swear by fluid film. love it, has kept my new motor minty fresh and brought some stuff on my old ski back from the dead (corrosion/rust). keeps a good film on the parts and doesn't allow the salt water to stick to anything. great stuff


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
I'll agree with the fluid film recommendation. I use it on anything and everything that will see salt water. It's non-toxic and safe for just about all materials. PB has a tendency to eat or swell what you don't want it to.
not sure I can find some fluid film in time...would a generic silicone spray work? I'm looking at some permatex silicone spray online it says it waterproofs and electrically insulates. As long as it says water proof or marine applications I should be fine??


FREEdumb obtained
100% silicone spray works......fluid film works so much better. you'll be fine with silicone spray, just spray your motor and hull down real good after riding........coat the motor etc down before riding and after rinsing.
Fluid film fan here..I buy the stuff by the case off of Ebay..but its also sold in alot of tractor supply stores and dealerships. They have a search on their site to locate stores that sell it. Its made by Eureka


Creative RE Purchasing
Ya, you don't want to use the PB Blaster, but PB does make a 100% silicone spray.

I use to use T-9. That stuff is great, but kinda expensive.

But I don't really use anything any more. I just make sure to flush out the engine compartment after every ride. My stuff has zero corrosion on it (except for the paint flaking off the back side of the ebox case).
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