Anyone on a supermoto?


This Is The Way
Staff member
I think there is a thread on supermotojunkie about the flapper mod, probably thumpertalk too. I did it on mine but can't seem to remember what was involved lol, it was pretty simple.
Bay Area
Do you have a link to the air flapper mod you did? I put a fmf pipe, header, and tuner on mine but never messed with the airbox. I know thats def holding it back.

Thats insane. I cannot imagine jumping downhill on dirt with SM tires. I'd eat s__t!

go on

its pretty simple theirs a flap on the air box that opens an closes with throttle postion for epa crap....i just ripped mine off... but find the thread on supermoto


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Badas$ video of Shanes on the motard. I really want to take an aluminum framed CR250 and swap a CR 500 or KX500 (powervalve motor) into that chassis and have it as a street driven supermoto setup
anyone bringing theirs down for the freeride ? we can be hooligans at night and re create the original daytona 500 course hahahha!
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