Other Aquacart - how do I use this thing?


I hate winter
Just bought a used aqua cart. I am a little nervous about my first attempt at unloading from the trailer to the cart. Does anyone have one of these that can give me some tips?
I would like to pull the ski off the trailer backwards, and onto the cart. It seems likely that it will hit that roller or skid across the aluminum. Do I need to add a bow stop?

I have the beach blaster. Beach_Blaster_300.jpg

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first of get a winch (ignore if you have one already) People use the beach blaster differently. You want ski center of weight over the axle. I would have it just a little more to the front so the cart doesn't teeter back . You use the roller (to keep from hitting the alum) so adjust it accordingly 8264ee1301f4cb221323380767.jpg 1004ee1301f5b5811323380767_3.jpg
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I hate winter
I have the winch kit too. Thanks for the tips.
I see they make a 3rd wheel kit that says it helps for trailer loading/unloading, do you think its needed? Ideally I would like to do the load unload by myself.


The call me Mew Mew
Ive always put my blaster on backwards. It wont hurt anything for it to sit on the roller piece. A winch will make things 1000x easier for sure.


I hate winter
I used the cart yesterday...

We used 3 people to unload because I was not sure how it was going to go. We unloaded backwards.
The ski wanted to slide backwards on the roller until the ride plate would touch the handle. Not a big deal with 3 people, but I am wondering how I an going to do this alone.

A bow mount would help if loading forwards, but backwards the ride plate sticks out farther than the hull and on my other ski the nozzle sticks out a good 5 inches out the back, and that ski doesn't have a rear bow eye.

The launch location has a bit of a hill at the lakeshore, so I needed to firmly secure the ski.
I used the winch to the back bow eye and a second line going to the same bow eye to the cart axel. This prevented the ski from moving either directions. Worked pretty well, but could be easier. Anyone do anything differently?
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Set the cart so that when you pull the ski off the trailer, the area where the motor is will be over the rail supports....... Yes, pull ski off backwards. honestly, they need to design the totes for the ski to be on backwards......... with the motor up front you can barely move them around.
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