are RNs better then SNs for freestyling

The search button is your friend..

yeah, i know, but when you've already been on the computer for a while and you have 2 boys and your wife is yelling at you to get of that da-- computer, you don't have a lot of time to troll through the search. sometimes it's just easier to ask a quick question and go away and come back and check.

sorry, for not using the search.

RMBC Freeride

Site Supporter
Pueblo, CO
I call :bs2:...

i have never ridden a square that has the light, loose, agile feel of a RN... period. Squares always feel heavy and unresponsive to me. I'm sure many others will agree. they definitely are not the "same thing" IMO... yes they share the same hull, but there is something about the lighter weight and slightly different ergonomics of the RN that make it more "playful" and "flickable"... (to use some terms I've heard around the forums)

That being said... you can do all you want on a SN, its a great and less expensive way to start and learn. But a 701 is a must, as mentioned...

my .02 :rolleyes:

let the flames begin... I know the square brigade will be all over me... LOL!


The Good Old Days
Round noses are far superior to the squares when it comes to freestyle.
They out-preform the square on the racing scene as well.

In fact, I suggest that everyone who has a square gets a round as soon as possible to improve their riding skills.
It's all in the hull.

When you do buy the round nose of your dreams and want to dump that ghastly monstrosity that is the square just send it to me.
I will dispose of it in the proper manner, without harming the environment and sparing any young children the agony of seeing another square. :biggthumpup:
you can freestyle a SN

the orange and black one at the daytona ride was ripping in The Addiction

and you can roll a stock 701

just ask Ratti

its all in the technique
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Warsaw, IN
I call :bs2:...

i have never ridden a square that has the light, loose, agile feel of a RN... period. Squares always feel heavy and unresponsive to me. I'm sure many others will agree. they definitely are not the "same thing" IMO... yes they share the same hull, but there is something about the lighter weight and slightly different ergonomics of the RN that make it more "playful" and "flickable"... (to use some terms I've heard around the forums)

That being said... you can do all you want on a SN, its a great and less expensive way to start and learn. But a 701 is a must, as mentioned...

my .02 :rolleyes:

let the flames begin... I know the square brigade will be all over me... LOL!

I agree, I've been a die hard SN rider but there is definitely a difference in the ride. With or without a lowered pole bracket on the round. The round just seems more flickable and squirely.

But I hate how a stock roundnose looks. But love a RN with a lowered hood. Just cant spend the extra money when my square is more than my riding ability. Marshj was almost making double troubles with it and I havent even rolled yet. :cat05:


Louisville, Ky
This is a quote from my build thread.............these are just my observations:

One aspect of a build page that I like to see is when people expain why they make the choices they do durring the build process. So I will take a few moments to do so.

Observations on the Squarenose Hull for Freestyle​

Some guys are perlexed at my decision to sell the squarenose hull I spent allot of time building. It was a nice hull for sure and it was very well balenced. However, although the bottom decks are the same as a round nose it did not handle the same at all. I found that the squarenose had better lateral stability and (possibly due to 155lbs hull weight) could carve better than a roundnose with the same mods (short plate, 201 grate).

Although I liked the better handling of that particular boat I was not to keen on the shape of the tray. Turf wise I should have added padding on the top of the gunwals, my arms got a fair amount of bruises hitting those. The ski also handled well in the air. It was fairly flickable due to the added power so that was anouther positive aspects of the hull.

The Negative, my subjective observation

Anouther difference I found between the squarenose and the roundnose was how they handled under water. The square was not that forgiving when you enter the water. I achually called my boat the "shovel nose" b/c once that nose enters the water is it will not pop up like a roundnose has a tendency to do. Likewise, when you enter the water inverted the staright side profile makes it less forgiving in trying to complte a rotation. On a round I found that you could finish a rotation under the water w/ ease but the square unless you were 3/4 there it felt like once you entered the water the rotation would try to stop and I felt like I was continuously fighting the ski in those situtations. That being said the square is still a great hull, I was just in a good position to purchase a aftermarket hull so I jumped on the opprotunity.
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