Argh stripped shaft


Living the dream!
Hi, had a good weekend out on the Blaster in some fairly good swell. Was just running a few bouys with mates towards the end of the day when, zing followed by lots of revs and no go, DOH!
Guess il be spending some more money :banghead:
I think ive have heard about this before, is the a fix apart from making sure the line up is perfect.



110hp full LOKI Stylefun
:frown:Mmmm that happened to me not so long ago shepster,going round a bouy and whiiiiiiing loads a revs an no go,if you know of anyone that can friction weld get an superjet shaft and let them chop it down and do it,it worked out pounds cheaper then taking it to the local ski god.check splines in the intermeadiate housing and the shaft,wen all said an done its a pretty cheap fix your side of the water but not this side :frown:
How can you sleep at night Shepster, robbing that 4 years old blind child of his Blaster, telling him it was only worth £300.

I have checked out the J number on it and it has come back as stolen, if you just hand it over to me we will say know more and i will make sure it gets returned to its rightful owner..
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