Arm Pump

Raced a 2 hour harescramble this passed sunday. I race A class there and thought my arms would pump up since just a week before i couldnt hold onto my bike after just 4 laps in a moto. stayed calm. thought about half way through the first lap my arms were pumpin up but it went away and i rode the 2 hours problem free. did the same for pre race prep as for my motos. bananas and water. who knows though. could have been my breakfast of champions i had(egg mc muffin)!!!
drink more milk, few hours before you ride, and stretch and dont start off crazy and jumping or whatever, warm up first, get the muslces workin then go nuts
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ooo, i wrestled in high school. my coach went to the olympics for it. he said on the day of a meet do not even touch dairy products. they sit in your system and don't really give you a boost right away...he could be wrong. anyone else know anything on this?
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