

Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Ok-does everyone remember the fiasco last fall where I bought a new AC pole from Blowsion for my SXR and got F'ed?

So now I got my roundi and ordered a new UMI black -2" from local dealer and they ordered from Western Power Sports, CAN U GUESS HOW THIS IS GOING?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Local shop A+++++++++++ retail is 599.00 plus tax, they said I can get it for 449.95 plus tax/489.00 total

The dam thing is on inner galactic back order with no F'ing release date according to Western Power Sports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why is it soooooooooo dam hard to get what I want??????????????????

I hate being a picky azzzzzzzzzzz little beyotch. Why can't I want a X pole like everyone else?????????????????
Sorry, I am done ranting now.:banghead::banghead::banghead:


I forgot!
Ok-does everyone remember the fiasco last fall where I bought a new AC pole from Blowsion for my SXR and got F'ed?

So now I got my roundi and ordered a new UMI black -2" from local dealer and they ordered from Western Power Sports, CAN U GUESS HOW THIS IS GOING?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Local shop A+++++++++++ retail is 599.00 plus tax, they said I can get it for 449.95 plus tax/489.00 total

The dam thing is on inner galactic back order with no F'ing release date according to Western Power Sports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why is it soooooooooo dam hard to get what I want??????????????????

I hate being a picky azzzzzzzzzzz little beyotch. Why can't I want a X pole like everyone else?????????????????
Sorry, I am done ranting now.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

do you want a tissue?


I forgot!
HOLD ON, Everyone STOP....Gil needs a handpole from 199frickin2! Why not cancel the order and oh i don't know...get something thats actually available??? Sounds better then name dropping and crying about it. That ain't going to get that pole to ya any quicker.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I Finally broke down and called Blowsion- 5poles in stk of exactly what I wanted, oops, now they only have 4 in stock.

Guess that means I got to get off the 1-800-piss and moan train bout Blowsion-LOL


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
Why not just cut down your stocker? Cost is next to nothing.
Mike Serlin and I are running stock poles (shotened) that we reinforcrd and wraped the top and bottom with fiberglass. These poles are surf tested and stand up to some serious abuse.
Why do you "need" the AC pole?


lamey powered
Kittanning Pa.
I've been waiting 6 almost 7 months for a xft hull, I guess you just have to get use to waiting for these custom parts, this seems to be common with anythihg special or custom made, we just need to get use to waiting for these things


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Why not just cut down your stocker? Cost is next to nothing.
Mike Serlin and I are running stock poles (shortened) that we reinforced and wrapped the top and bottom with fiberglass. These poles are surf tested and stand up to some serious abuse.
Why do you "need" the AC pole?
Because Gil is a knucklehead. He sold it and shipped the stocker before receiving a replacement:banghead::banghead:

Joking Gil, I mean knucklehead in only the sincerest way:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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