Asking price too much???

Im looking at a 96 sxi 750. Asking price is 1800. With no trailer. Bottom is thrashed up pretty good an its gonna need serious gel coating, deffinatly needs turf an chin pad. engine is strong. Honestly i dont think i should be paying more than 1000-1200 for this unit.


Ride for life
North NJ
Im looking at a 96 sxi 750. Asking price is 1800. With no trailer. Bottom is thrashed up pretty good an its gonna need serious gel coating, deffinatly needs turf an chin pad. engine is strong. Honestly i dont think i should be paying more than 1000-1200 for this unit.

Yup, stick to that. Doesn't sound like it worth more than 12 hundy. offer 8
i have one with a pipe and few other goodies im selling $1500 and shes in good shape
On on long island other wise id take a look! But im gonna go with 800 cash an see what they say. Rite of the bat with the turf, (gonna need foot holds cuz of turf),gelcoat, an rubrail thats 500 bucks rite there.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yeah there is a guy on PWCT asking way too much for a set of skis. I would buy his sxi if he would seperate and come down on the price. Some people just want too much. Best to just walk away...
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