atp epic cutting out *fixed!


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Anyone else had an issue like this? It idles fine but once I grab the throttle it dies. I tried unhooking the stop switch. A and B curves, unpluging the a/b switch. I am using @waxhead freestyle curve and an atp mild race curve. Rpm limit set to 8k. JSS ebox, 62t stator, zero 62t flywheel.
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A curve is freestyle

B curve is ATPs race curve recommendation for my 771.

Yes it is a picture of a monitor. Laptop not connecting to wifi.. 20150501_213713.jpg


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Ran great with the msd enhancer. I pulled apart all of the connecters, opened up the males a hair, closed the females, covered them all with dielectric grease and made sure they were all tight and 100% in. Going to put in a newer battery tomorrow and give it another go. Wish me luck!


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Have them rich now. 120 lows with 21psi pop off on dual 44s. With the msd was going to drop down to 117 then 115s.


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I think I got it! Freshly charged battery and she revs right up again! I guess enough power to start the ski doesn't exactly mean enough power for the epic.. time to switch the etx9 for an etx12..

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
So, I guess I forgot to post this up. Supply voltage is very important for CDI's that require power.
Check to make sure it is getting a solid power connection as well. I connected up an MSD to my test bench the other day and didn't bother hooking up a battery to power the MSD and it would produce spark at idle speeds but not when ramped above 2500 RPM. I connected a battery inline with and it smartened right up.


X-H20 certified
San Diego
The epic is a digital system ,meaning it gets its power soley from the battery not the charging system .the stock analog system cdi gets its power from the stator . they both allow the charging system to charge the battery while running but the digital system will require a good strong battery for starts for sure
If you have your box open, please check resistance of charge coil (brown to ground) It seems these coils deteriorate somewhat with age (leak through of winding layers). Resistance depends on ambient temperature, but roughly speaking if it measures below 520 ohm it might not work with the Epic , might still work with an Msd enhancer, dropping down further only with stock cdi.


Buy a Superjet
If you have your box open, please check resistance of charge coil (brown to ground) It seems these coils deteriorate somewhat with age (leak through of winding layers). Resistance depends on ambient temperature, but roughly speaking if it measures below 520 ohm it might not work with the Epic , might still work with an Msd enhancer, dropping down further only with stock cdi.

ohm'd at 536!
You should be ok at 536, though sometimes things change when things heat up- applies to ign. coils too. Electronic components can certainly fail when reaching operating temperature if the semiconductors are ailing.
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