Freestyle Atp Flame Ts2 discussion

The electronics prefer the Yami coil, that's what it was designed for, not sure how a coil could affect it but stick to what works. If it starts running rough, try replacing coil. The older ones had kick-back issues which was eventually solved with an updated flash. Watch for earth wire on stator plate coming loose, they use an electrical epoxy in the terminal which doesn't last, rather solder the terminal on
Kinda bringing up a old thread but I'm at my wits end, just rebuilt carbs and have gone through everything trying to get my et967 to idle without with the engine is gonna launch out the hood lol, I have a flame ts2 and was wondering what this low end breakup you mention is, I'm not sure what coil I have but I have a spare Yamaha coil with red plug wires I can try, just wanna find out a bit more detail about this issue first, thanks!!


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Kinda bringing up a old thread but I'm at my wits end, just rebuilt carbs and have gone through everything trying to get my et967 to idle without with the engine is gonna launch out the hood lol, I have a flame ts2 and was wondering what this low end breakup you mention is, I'm not sure what coil I have but I have a spare Yamaha coil with red plug wires I can try, just wanna find out a bit more detail about this issue first, thanks!!
A local rider with TS2 had low end breakup with a new Kawi ign coil, switched to a used Yami coil and it ran fine. Our local mechanic noticed the Yami coil had tinned wires and the new Kawi did not.
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