Atv help

I have a 2004 90cc polaris sportsman that will idle and run top speed fine.. but boggs or dies going from idle to low speed... i cleaned the air filter, gas is good, compression is good, spark is good... so i figured that leaves the carb and/or reeds. I adjusted the carb's idle screw and air screw to the proper settings (1 1/4 for idle, and 2 i think for air - there arent any high or low screws). The jets and carb are clean. There was a kink in the carb bowl drain and the reeds look good. But when i pulled the reeds, they were covered in gas. Im hoping it was the kinked drain hose, but why are the reeds soaked? And why wont it go from idle to low speed? Thanks in advance for the help

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Granbury, TX
I'd open up your carb and check your idle jet (pic below) and use a thin wire to make absolutely sure all the holes are clear. Your issue sounds exaclty like an idle jet that is not clean.



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Yeah, I had one of the 90 Polaris quads for my Daughter and when it sat for some time, I had to go through the carbs and blow with compressed air. Such tiny orifices clog real easy. Also when you get it running right, dont shut the fuel valve off after running, always leave it on reserve.
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