B Pipe exhaust manifold leaking


The call me Mew Mew
Will need a small head bolt for the 2 center top bolts. Jetmaniac sells them
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This Is The Way
Staff member
I have all allen head bolts on my manifold. Its quite easy to do with no exhaust parts in the way.

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I'll bite, post a pic. I don't see any way you could possibly have SHCS on the inner manifold bolts but maybe I am missing something.
Bolts are flush against the manifold and nothing was hitting the back of the head. Going to try liquid gasket and see how that works

they will run in far enough to look close sometimes and really just arent tight enough, theyre just bottomed out in the holes perfectly enough to cause a problem. you have to really get em cranked down. if not liquid gasket isnt gonna hold
Grinded down a 12mm wrench and it fit perfectly. I got shorter bolts for the two middle holes and was able to tighten them down. Put 1211 on it too so we will see if that does the trick. Thanks for the help!
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