B Pipe Modification and X Metal Resonator


Chuckie/Pat gave it to them after they did the welding for the mod, dirty and all. The ceramic coating company cleans it and does everything else. Yes, it is a sprayed on coating which is then followed by a baking.


Thanks for the compliments everyone. Paul had this coating on his buildoff ski last year if you saw it. I just decided to keep the headpipes with the wrinkle finish as original as that is a pretty durable coating. I've used ceramic coatings on headers (for cars) and for offshore powerboat engine parts quite a bit also.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
flatop i dont know if they do them in orange

but the smooth finish should help reduce build up of oil inside the exhaust pipe
while that in itself will not gain hp it may not fall off like a pipe does when it gets full of oil sludge (theory only )
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