
Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yep you are right. You just need an exhaust manifold for an 800 engine. The one that comes with the SXR wet pipe.

Then just make sure you have the three propper bolts (they are obviously longer one one model than the other. They also may have different thread pitches.)

Then rig up the hoses to the chamber. Of course I would rather use the SXR wet pipe chamber.

In all actuality, in the long run, you would probably be better off to just buy a complete SXR wet pipe setup and part out the other pipe. Becuase by teh time you buy teh clamps, hoses, manifolds, and if you choose to get the SXR wet pipe chamber, you pretty much bought the whole set up minus the head pipe. When you bu ya new pipe system, you get a new head pipe with unstuck srews as well. Just a thought.

I don't have it handy but there was a pic once of the two FPP head pipes. If no one told you thr one was a little thivker, you wouldn't knwo the difference.

You could also just get that adapter I posted a pic of and bolt the whole shebang up. But I bet you can get a manifold a lot cheaper than that adapter. I know a 650 Kawie manifold will work but most likely the port holes to the cylinder and head pipe will be severly undersized.

You can piece it together if you like, it is definetly doable, but I imagine your best performancegains will be to install the whole SXR wet pipe.
Alright cool. Thanks for the info/help. I actually have all the hardware, hose's, etc. for 1-1/2 FFP B-pipes. Thats why I was really interested in pursuing it. If I just need to scrounge up a manifold I should be good to go with a little opening up of the exit and matching of the headpipe. This should be fairly cheap swap. I will do some contemplating and go from there. Its getting ready to go under the knife anyways so I have some time to R&D it.
thanks again.
Alright cool. Thanks for the info/help. I actually have all the hardware, hose's, etc. for 1-1/2 FFP B-pipes. Thats why I was really interested in pursuing it. If I just need to scrounge up a manifold I should be good to go with a little opening up of the exit and matching of the headpipe. This should be fairly cheap swap. I will do some contemplating and go from there. Its getting ready to go under the knife anyways so I have some time to R&D it.
thanks again.

Both screws are M10*125... Where standard pitch is M10*150... The screws provided by Factory pipe are a pain... Don't hesitate to buy M12 screws and bore them to M10*125, or put helicoils or keenserts in std pitch.
On both of these pipes (yam/kawi) I broke one of these two screws.

Concerning the height. It should be very important to use the right manifold as it determine your chamber height in the hull...
That could be interesting testing a wetpipe head on a superjet... As the B pipe chamber always very close to the front left motor mount.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
You mean timsert them to 10 x 1.50.

There is a lot of X2 guys putting SJ chambers on their 750 engines in X2s. The chamber doesn't seem to hit the engine or bedplate. They usually stick some hydro turf in places.

The height difference between the two head pipes is 1/8" or less.
You mean timsert them to 10 x 1.50.

There is a lot of X2 guys putting SJ chambers on their 750 engines in X2s. The chamber doesn't seem to hit the engine or bedplate. They usually stick some hydro turf in places.

The height difference between the two head pipes is 1/8" or less.

Yes you're right for the pitch.
I was talking about the B pipe on Superjet, that fits close to the front left engine mount.


There's Always A Light At The End Of The Tunnel !!
Lost Wages NV
do you still want to use the stock sxr waterbox ???
i have an old school 440-550 dual rubber resenator setup with a b pipe head pipe and 650 kawasaki chamber i am trying to sell.

get wet
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