b-pipe painted?

Picked up a used b-pipe and noticed it looked like it was painted. (chipping off in spots) All the pipes I see on here are shiny like polished aluminum. This looks like a gray paint. dingy and dull. I was going to polish it up but if it is paint I have to get the paint off first right???


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
You can have it ceramic coated in a chrome like finish for around eighty bucks and it was last forever.


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Louisville, Ky
Picked up a used b-pipe and noticed it looked like it was painted. (chipping off in spots) All the pipes I see on here are shiny like polished aluminum. This looks like a gray paint. dingy and dull. I was going to polish it up but if it is paint I have to get the paint off first right???

I would either just repaint it or send it out to be blasted and coated. It is allot of work to polish a chamber.


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
I did a quick job on mine with out even taking it out. its not perfect but it made a big difference.




makin' legs

I've polished the last few pipes I've had. The soft aluminum polishes easily and is fairly simple to keep clean.



I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
I had to sand also to get the finish off and down to the metal. I started with 220 since I has doing it all by hand. then 400, 600, 1000. if you will be using power tools while it is out of the ski it will be super easy.


( o Y o )
around saltwater, that polished finish will look good for about 2.5 minutes :biggthumpup:
Unless you keep up with it. I clean my ski in and out with wax and everything at least once a week during the season and the polished parts stay looking nice. If you want to ride and put it away until the next time you ride get it powder or ceramic coated.


the taco
when i bought mine it had a dull powder coating on it. chemical stripper took it right off and then it was easy to polish by hand. by some aluminum wheel clear coat to put a coat on it so that it stays polished but you will have to be careful as to getting the pipe really hot. did mine midway though last season and it still is fine. just make sure that there is no wax on it when you do the clear coating or it wont stick.
I wanted to strip it down to bare metal. Chemical Stripping seems the way to go. I touched it with a brass brush and it came off but it is kind of harsh. I will look into the chemical stripper and sanding. No salt water here. The clear coat is a good idea though. Love this board. thanks again
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