B-Pipes ~ Precious aside ~ Which is best?

orange flattop freestyler

The Carlsberg ski
Essex UK
Mines started life as a mod chamber but was modified to a custom spec by Alan Pickard of Jetshed UK. Around 60mm shorter than the stock mod pipe :biggrin:

Pipe works amazingly well , motor hits really really hard

orange flattop freestyler

The Carlsberg ski
Essex UK
Here dude, a bit hard to see i know but i think you can see how much shorter it is over a mod :biggrin:



makin' legs
What does your ski have done to it. I am just courious what it taked to really get to 100HP Skis hardly ever get dynoed like trucks and cars so it is unuasual to know exactally what HP a ski is running.

Depends on whose dyno you use!:haha:


orange flattop freestyler

The Carlsberg ski
Essex UK
What does your ski have done to it. I am just courious what it taked to really get to 100HP Skis hardly ever get dynoed like trucks and cars so it is unuasual to know exactally what HP a ski is running.

Engine mods are as follows:

R&D Dominator 785cc ported cylinder, modified by jetshed
Wiseco lite flattop forged pistons
Prox rods
Jetshed Trued-welded superstock crank
Superstock big-ported cases with ramps
R&D Dominator head with custom jetshed domes running approx 195psi
Jetshed lightened flywheel
ATP light weight billet couplers
MSD ignition
Factory pipe with custom jetshed chamber and custom stinger insert
R&D intake manifold
VForce 2 Reeds
Twin Riva Powerbomb 48mm carbs
Prok filters and outerwears

Probably some stuff ive forgotten but thats pretty much it for the engine :smile:

Built and tuned by Alan Pickard from Jetshed, run on his in house dyno @ 105.9bhp..

Its very very snappy with a massive wall of torque in the middle that rips through to the top.

I love it :D
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