B1 Riva Red Cooling Routing


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New Zealand
Hey Guys, I've got a 97 Twin Carb B1 with a Riva Red pipe which i feel is running a bit hot. I know there's a number of ways to route the cooling for these, i just wanna know that I've done it right.
It runs single cooling from the pump and has a stock head.

Pump - Manifold Fitting
Top of Head - Bottom fitting ( near coupler/manifold end)
Top of Pipe - Stinger (near waterbox) With a T to the pisser

Is this right?

I've also got the small stock fitting from the front of the stock head running out to a pisser (using a piece of fuel line then into a normal size cooling line) ... Is it ok to do what i've done here, i don't want to block this off as the front cylinder wont get the flow. Or should i consider taping a bigger fitting in on the front of the head?

Some thoughts would be much appreciated

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