Back Brace for Fused Spine


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Stretching those hamstrings out after years of sitting is going to make a huge difference. If you can do an overhead squat you are on the right track. If you cannot, you need to get to where you can. Lacross ball and pvc pipe will be your best and most hated friends for getting your hips opened up.

I could squat deep, like back on my heels until my butt touched the floor. I could bend over and touch my entire hand to the floor with my legs straight and feet side by side.

What I could not do is stand up straight. Weak abs and pelvic muscles, tight hip flexors, inactive glutes, etc. Stretching can only help so much. Strength training using good form helps correct the torsional imbalances our sports create.

Edit: We did overhead squats in crossfit last week. I hate them but they are awesome. Squats and deadlifts are great for the lower but but those overhead squats really get the core active.
Hi everyone, well how about waking up one morning and not having the use of one arm. On January 23th I woke up as to go to work ,went to work as usual came home watched a championship football game had a beer and headed off to bed. I had had a stiff neck for about a week so I took a long bath to try and relieve some pain.
Literally as I got out of bath I had a sharp pain shoot down my right arm.
I lost the use of my arm instantly. Long story short, emergency room, MRI, primary Doctor, brain and neck neurosurgeon specialist. All those things took place over three days and I was under the knife on the forth day.
I had what is called a ANTERIOR CERVICAL DISCECTOMY AND FUSION (ACDF) proceedure . I had a pinched nerve at C5 and C6 vertebrae as well as a 4mm bulge at C4, C5 and 6mm bulge at C6, C7.
I was wondering if there is anyone else out there that has had this type of operation and is still riding. Or if anyone has had a friend have this happen to them and still riding.
My Doc said I have a minimum of a 4 to 6 week healing time, and a one year before the fusion has completely healed.
The real pisser here is I just received my new TPE 1021cc from Eric and my total loss from @Philip Clemmons . I have to wait till I heal so I can get out there and ride.
Doctor said main cause was arthritis that caused the dish to fail. But just a lifetime of hard construction work and hanging drywall off my head for several years.
and it always happens if u just bend down to pick up a piece of paper or something ridiculous to that effect.....

It abuse and lots of wrong lifting, wrong sitting, wrong walking, and moving those skis around....

I now am stretching every morning and during the day ,doing exercises, constantly reminding myself to sit properly, sleep properly....

Conscious lifting, no erratic movements


Buy a Superjet
and it always happens if u just bend down to pick up a piece of paper or something ridiculous to that effect.....

It abuse and lots of wrong lifting, wrong sitting, wrong walking, and moving those skis around....

I now am stretching every morning and during the day ,doing exercises, constantly reminding myself to sit properly, sleep properly....

Conscious lifting, no erratic movements

Preventive maintenance! One of the joys of getting old..


I'm broke
Hudson WI
I landed dead on my head doing a back flip about year ago. Pretty scary, completely folded my head to my chest with a huge poping noise. I just hope this does not come back to haunt me. Especially since I am still young and just starting my career in the Army soon. Even as young as me, stretching and warming up is extremely important. My back defiantly gets sore after a decent day of riding.
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