Back flip not enougn Rotation


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at peace
How big is the motor? Are you using trim? What's the hull weigh?

Anyways, you should be squatting down and pulling trim right before you leave the water.
After you left the water, bring your body forward to the pole as much as possible and pull the pole towards your chest.
At the same time, violently throw your head back.
Motor is 760, B-Pipe and MSD TL, Yes I did use trim before leave the water, The Hull is stock Superjet shorted I guess is same like stock hull weigh.

I'll try all the steps this Sunday, Thanks, Matt


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
You're not going to get a stock weight hull around on flat with that motor.
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Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
Maybe with two wakeboard boats making a double up you could...lots of speed, trim and form. I have the same setup as you motor wise and I can get them around in surf that is waist to chest high. So two boats could get the wave in that range.


Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
No trim needed with a double up.

I consider trim in that scenario training wheels. The freaks flip way easier than an sj. I've flipped a bunch of freaks with no trim. Sj without it on a double up...not so much. But then again I wasn't hitting it that fast. Next time Ill fly into it and see what happens.
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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I've learned to flip off v-wakes with a Superjet without any trim, so I know how easy it is with a Superjet, not a Freak.
My buddy used to do them on a 750SX hull without trim. You do need to be going a bit faster, though.
I wouldn't consider the trim training wheels at all because all you're doing is robbing height from the trick.
Don't use trim, go higher, have more time for rotation.

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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Depends on your skills and your ski.
At the end of last summer, I was finally able to pull nice no-trim flips off good-sized single wakeboard boat wakes with my 55lb Superfreak and decent 760 with TL & mag pump.
No problem with trim after a bit of practice earlier in the year.

You could probably do it with a SJ, a big enough motor, trim, and a boatload of skills.
I may be missing a couple of those things:ugh:

Depends on your skills and your ski.
At the end of the summer, I was able to nail them without trim off very good wakeboard boat single wakes with my 55lb Superfreak and strong 760 motor with TL & mag pump.
Superjet, probably not.


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
The more skill, the less ski and wake it takes... Matt tanner loves the trim, for good reason.. You see in the nice Florida surf we get, it's like 2 ft deep where the wave breaks. One mistake on timing and now he's doing fiberglass... He knows all about the sand bar....

I use to love going big, now I just like the normal height.. My back thanks me after every ride!
Im Hopeing to land back flips next year in the surf .
Then maybe if I get some skill do it flat water off a double up
flatwater double up is the best lol.... Hit it right and you are going around as long as you commit. The first couple times you will fail, But dont give up. Its a good feeling to land a backflip. Now doing a barrel roll of a double up is scary to me lol.
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