Custom/Hybrid backie chan dash

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
I have a backie chan that already has a limiting rope and racket strap installed on the dash. Looking to install my primer somewhere that is clean with the hull. I don't have a picture right now but can try and get something in a few days. Was looking for pictures of people with backie chans and how their dash is setup with any switches, primers, straps, etc installed to figure a clean way of doing mine

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
Only image I could find. Was thinking bottom right so it's hidden. Or just say screw it and to the far right of the racket strap since it needs to clear ebox

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
under the hood??
I thought about that. i was just wanting something so if i got a little bit water in the carbs I could hit the primer easily without having to swim in all the way into shore and taking the hood off. I probably will install under the hood since the dash is so clean


Melbourne FL
Primers are just another area that can fail and u have to cut into that ski but if it's flatwater ski ull want to look in it alot to keep an eye on stuff and if it's jetted right it shouldn't need a prime

My ski only needs a prime the first time I start it after sitting for days and I'm inside my ski hooking up battery and checking for loose bolts and gas so it's not hard to stick my hand over carbs to prime it and start it before it goes in water make sure it doesn't run away and runs normal ect ect

In the end its your ski if you want it then do it but in the chan the dash is curved so it's gunna need some silicone to seal properly

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
In the end its your ski if you want it then do it but in the chan the dash is curved so it's gunna need some silicone to seal properly

I didn't think about the curve on the dash. Yeah i just like the primer so i can hit that a few times when i first put the ski in. I always fear the run away thing so ive always felt safe with a primer but i guess really its not that big of a deal


Melbourne FL
Idk if it is me but every time I go to shore I pop hood and check everything so if u do that and put it inside you'll be fine but just make sure the prime is always good and doesn't leak air into the line


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Long Island
Technically you shouldn't need a primer if your ski is jetted/tuned correctly. I use a small button one under the hood just to flood it out after washing/flushing or when I totally sink my ski and and have to get it going on the beach. It should start up hot or cold no problem without a primer.

You can also hold the stop switch and start button to prime the lines if your ski has been sitting a while and you don't want a runaway when starting.

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
^thats a good point about holding the stop button to prime ski if needed. On the water i hope not to need the primer unless i get a bit of water in the carbs, then id want it in case. other than that id only care for it if i haven't started the ski for some time. I may mount it under the hood while i first get used to the hull and motor as im sure water will be getting into the hull every so often and just don't want the carbs to get water in them. @Byeai I pop the hood every so often to check gas levels so i probably will have the hood off quite a bit with this cart tank lol


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
The tubes for my xmetal are smaller like vacum tubes that are smaller than normal xmetal ones. and then theres these two in the hood. thought about adding a third one since ill have room by the tank and wont ever have to worry about the air


Melbourne FL
More air the better just make the tube go to the bottom of the hull yea my kdx had 3 xmetal tubes and the pole tubes
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