Bad Azz exercise toy in Montgomery

ill be passing through on my trek team discovery bike next week
im sure it will catch on fire with me riding as fast as lightening....haha nott

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
If going really slow makes them catch on fire, then I'm gonna set them on fire. I WILL be riding Monday. Maybe I can get Jarod out there f he isn't working.

sweet, I like the new Fuel's.

I wont be able to ride for a few weeks after surgery, but hit me up in a few weeks and I will meet you up there.


makin' legs
It is pricey but TREK is one of the best with Carbon Frame Construction.

AVG price on a full suspension rig is anywhere from $1500-2300.00

Anyone that thinks I actually paid $6600 for my bike is crazy. It's actually a 2007 bike and it's 3 months old and essentially hasn't been ridden. I didn't pay what he had it listed for either. It will be ridden in about two hours. I'm heading to Oak Mtn in a minute.:nana: The EX is cool too, but for me riding almost exclusively XC i think I'd rather have the lighter weight and a bit less travel. It has pedals now too.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I prefer the XC rigs myself. Running an 2000 GF Sugar 3 @ 25 lbs. How are the trails there in Montgomer, cannot think of the name, but have heard they were good also.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
year ago the "Fuel" was the Std XC rig, then they came out with the "All Mountain" setup, can not remember what they called it. I see now that the "Fuel" is now the "All Mountain" and the "Top Fuel" is the std XC rig....... man they like to confuse people!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I remember when that was done, shortly after the pure downhill rigs started showing up they started pulling stuff like that..........

I remember watching John Tomac, David Weins and others racing downhill on their cross county setup that was a hardtail with front suspension only........
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