Bad tender or battery?


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new jersey
Just took the fresh , never used yuasa yb16cl-b battery from a new superjet to throw on the battery tender b/ c it's been sitting a while and I get no reading. Red blinking. The tender worked fine for the last 6 months on my sn battery.
Do I need to add acid to activate the battery? Not sure how it should come from dealer.
Or it's a dead one the seller swapped out b4 it was sold to me

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Pull the little caps off and look. It was probably shipped empty- that's customary. You can buy the (sulphuric) battery acid at some auto supply stores. After the acid is added to the proper level, the battery will be 1/2 to 2/3 charged, now you may hook up your charger. Caution with the acid, it is extremely corrosive!
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