Bad to Rad 4 Stroke Superjet Mod Video List


Loving the new Superjet section! A lot of you might have already come across my Superjet Bad to Rad videos on YouTube, but I'll post them here for an easy reference.

And yes, the 4 stroke SJ will slide and tail stand :)



The new WCOT 2.0 plate is awesome. I've been hearing great things about it, and after replacing the PWR plate, I know why. Not that the PWR plate is bad, but with the PWR rear bond rail sponsons & plate the ski tended to want to slide when I was lazy with my body position. I have not been able to get it to unhook with the WCOT plate yet... still need to make the drive to the buoy course and see how she handles.

The new WCOT 2.0 plate is awesome. I've been hearing great things about it, and after replacing the PWR plate, I know why. Not that the PWR plate is bad, but with the PWR rear bond rail sponsons & plate the ski tended to want to slide when I was lazy with my body position. I have not been able to get it to unhook with the WCOT plate yet... still need to make the drive to the buoy course and see how she handles.

Is this Lake Houston?
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