barrel roll

installed my footstraps on my basically stock sxr (waiting for my footwells)
first hit out did 1/2 a roll came out of the straps and almost snapped my handpole off. (off a 24" foot 4 foot wave) didn't really commit to it
second time got 3/4ths of the roll smashed the side of my face, and my ear is still ringing (i consider it a barrel roll considering i road out of the 3/4ths of the roll

i know its nothing compared to some of you guys doing them on a daily basis
but, i want to master the roll on my lake, before i take the ski down to RI next week

was going about 20 when hit the wave
what is a good speed to try them at?


Finally Flippin
Keep up the good work! mine is far from stock but the hell if I can get past half way. I'm going at the waves just about the speed you get on plane at. I'm sure if you got someone to take a pic and or vid some of the guys here could cretique (sp?) you.
Keep up the good work! mine is far from stock but the hell if I can get past half way. I'm going at the waves just about the speed you get on plane at. I'm sure if you got someone to take a pic and or vid some of the guys here could cretique (sp?) you.
I will get some videos up, my camera man has been in Maine, his grandfather isn't due much longer, but i deffently will get some up in the next few days.
Im going through the rentivation part of the SXR, have jetski fever now. All money=towards jetski
im just so use to doing nose stabs


Jet zoomers
I don't see how you guys are rolling SXR's, much less near stockers. Ski is awesome, but damn it's big and stable! Much respect to the SXR rollers/flippers!
do you need foot holes or straps to do a barrel roll? is it very hard to do it on flat water? and how hard of a trick is it? I'm thinking about going for it so far i can do a sub and a fountain .. I'm only 16 and with 2 years of experience .. thank you
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