bars crooked with trim pulled


Knoxville TN
When I pull trim,, my bars turn to left .couple of still goes straight ....its messing with my flat water back flips. Its causing me to back flip slightly of axis which is causing me to land on my side. Basically when I go for a flip I pull Trim in and pull on the bars even, causing nozzle be off by couple of degrees .... With no trim bars are straight.. I'm running x metal trim...any suggestions. Braap
is your steering cable under the steering nozzle and hooked on up side down. Thats how mine is to clear the cooling boss in the stator section. If i put it on top and flipped the ball it would pull straight. but the steering cable had to bend around the cooling fitting making it hard to turn the bars.


Knoxville TN
Awesome....thanks ....I'm going to try that.... braap.

It never bothered me before, until I started practicing flat water flips...braap :)
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So long and thanks for all the fish
That is why when I built my conversion hull I moved the steering cable mount over/back so it wouldn't bind when attached properly.

Check for binding before you run it because you can break/bend your cable.
From how I understood it the ball thing should be on top of the arm on the nozzle, then take the stator section and rotate it 180 degrees. Even with dual cooling the fittings will be out of the way of the steering cable and the trim will pull straight.
Had the same thing going on with my ski. I put the steering cable on top and it's pulling straight now. Also running the solas pump, cable clears just fine.

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does the hook up on top not provide a smaller throw with the angle of the ball ? I have a longer screw in mine with ball on bottom, do you use longer screw on top as well ?? curious
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