Base Skiing!! Urban riding!!

NW Lover

What is a Juggalo??
Boise Idaho
My friend and I are on a mission to ride in any public waterway we can.. So far we have rode in a park pond.. Today we rode in a canal between $500,000 homes, we had old women and men running out of there houses to police the canal.. We had people pulling their cars over and giving us MADD PROPS, and others calling 911.. We do quik drop offs and pick ups.. It takes one guy to drive the rig and two skiiers.. The neighborhood will be talking about it for days.. Imature?? Definately!! Fun?? Hellz Yah'!!! Childish Harmless Fun!!! We will have vidio soon!! I am sure there are some haters on here who will say we are drawing BAD attention to our sport, Bla, Bla, Bla!! At this point the way our sport is going, ANY attention good or bad cant hurt!! This is a call out!! Lets see what you all got.. We callenge any and all of you CRAZY F#$%#$ Jet Skiiers to vidio some crazy urban riding!!! Skip the call out, Lets get to the "TRIPPLE DOG DARE!!" Watcha got!!
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The Penguin

triple secret probation
My friend and I are on a mission to ride in any public waterway we can.. So far we have rode in a park pond on free fishing day.. The little Asian guy's fishin along the shore were pissed!! Today we rode in a canal between $500,000 homes, we had old women and men running out of there houses to police the canal.. I splashed one guy who was screaming crazily.. We do quik drop offs and pick ups.. It takes one guy to drive the rig and two skiiers.. I felt totally alive!! My heart was jumping out of my chest.. The neighborhood will be talking about it for days.. Imature?? Definately!! Fun?? Hellz Yah'!!! Childish Harmless Fun!!! We will have vidio soon!! I am sure there are some haters on here who will say we are drawing BAD attention to our sport, Bla, Bla, Bla!! This is a call out!! Lets see what you all got.. We callenge any and all of you CRAZY F#$%#$ Jet Skiiers to vidio some crazy urban riding!!! :brap::Banane35: Skip the call out, Lets get to the "TRIPPLE DOG DARE!!" Watcha ya got!!

way to make a bad image for all us!

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Just plain me....
I usually don't say this to anyone, but you sir ( and I use that term loosely) are a complete moron. Everything you said was absolutely true about yourself. So let your actions speak volumes for you. For everyone who works hard to keep pwc riding legal and those who work their asses off putting together freerides to try to bring people together & do good for the community, there are idiots like you who have to phuck it up for everyone. It's sad that you think pissing people off is funny. Maybe one of these days you'll grow up; until then I guess you're still wearing underoos.


not safe for clowns
i hate to say it but this thread is f ing funny.

But worthless without vids...

ghost rider stand up style haha i needed a good laugh.


O'hell have some fun guys one of my friends did the same thing you guys are doing. He rode his ski right through down town Oklahoma city in its canal system made for river boats (touristy crap) It only took the cops about 5 minute to catch him. It still makes me laugh thinking the look on his face when he went to jail. So choose your spots wisely.
Las Vegas
yeah its not exactly the smartest thing to do but its pretty hypocritical to say hes drawing bad attention to the sport when half of you ride illegally in surf, do any flatwater tricks where its considered reckless operation or even riding without a fire extinguisher or non USCG vest....

Breaking the law is breaking the law 90% of you do it on your ski

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
It is funny in a reckless abandonment sort of way..............

But really bad for the sport.

Call me Hater, I will call you a immature moron who only thinks for himself and show total lack of respect.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Tell me we haven't all thought about it!!! I think it's cool they are actually doing it!!! If u live life tight laced 24/7, u die miserable. My 2cents!!!


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
lol, sounds just like my buddy here. we built a high speed winch to go urban wake skating, hitting up every fountain/pond/ditch we can find. tons of fun.

i'd do it, sounds adventurous


!! we are drawing BAD attention to our sport, Bla, Bla, Bla!! At this point the way our sport is going, ANY attention good or bad cant hurt!! QUOTE]

that's a pretty lame statement? i thought this sport was growing and growing. it's getting good attention shed on it from all the charity events and raffles? bigger and better freeride events and guys like ross getting on tv etc.

nope go do a superman BF and ill call you ballsy,
this is dumb fun and self centered

too many people have worked to hard to better our image .

if you want to be reckless and " live life" go drag race in these places and don't ruin things for all of us
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