Battery recommendaions?


Clever custom user title.
New Jersey
So with the dry cell you still can and will eventually need to charge it but just not necessarily every winter like an acid battery?


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Anthony said:
So with the dry cell you still can and will eventually need to charge it but just not necessarily every winter like an acid battery?

what is a dry cell battery?

most of the better batteries that have been discussed in this thread are sealed lead acid, or gel type lead acid batteries.

IM not trying to be a richard-head, just trying to make sure we are talking about the same things.



ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Matt_E said:
Something like that...really tight voltage specs, and most automotive chargers have fancy de-sulfurizer programs (or something like that) that comes on automatically, and involves voltages of appr. 16V.
Kills that Odyssey.
Also, I am not sure if this is still in the current Odyssey manual - it was in the first one I bought - it cannot be a constant-current charger.

I see, so when the pc625 was really dishcarged that charger tried to de-sulfate it and went to high votlage?

Ive seen it do that with car batteries... but I have never had it do it with my ski or boat, or trolling batteries.


How many cycles did you get out of your battery MattE?
and what charger/battery are you using now?


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
I am now using some cheapo marine charger from Autozone. Real simple, just an analog gauge indicating current.
I am not sure how many times the chargers (Yeah, I tried several) did it, but it took about three months of total loss to kill it.
In the end, it had full voltage, but no current capacity.


Clever custom user title.
New Jersey
Mouthfulloflake said:
what is a dry cell battery?

most of the better batteries that have been discussed in this thread are sealed lead acid, or gel type lead acid batteries.

IM not trying to be a richard-head, just trying to make sure we are talking about the same things.


To be honest, I have no clue but this is from their site (

The ODYSSEY® Drycell battery combines in one box the characteristics of two separate batteries. It can deep cycle as well as provide enormous cranking power.

These dry cell batteries are capable of providing engine cranking pulses in excess of 2150A for 5 seconds as well as 400 charge/discharge cycles to 100% depth of discharge (DOD). A typical starting, lighting and ignition (SLI) battery can do one or the other, but not both. Conventional batteries are either a sprinter or a long distance runner; An ODYSSEY® battery will do both — provide short duration high amperage pulse or low rate long duration drains.


New York Crew
Western New York
Mouthfulloflake said:
what is a dry cell battery?

most of the better batteries that have been discussed in this thread are sealed lead acid, or gel type lead acid batteries.

IM not trying to be a richard-head, just trying to make sure we are talking about the same things.


I think they call them dry cell because you do not need to refill them with distilled water like a conventional battery. They do not leak when turned upside down etc etc. But, you are correct, they are not truely dry internally I believe.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I gotcha..

I was thinking dry = like carbon Zinc battery or something.

I am surprised the odeseey site calls them that, the side of the box says sealed lead acid battery.

i just bought 3, Ill see if I still have the boxes.

it is vented, but with a self regulating valve.

MAttE, do you monitor the voltage with a VOM while its charging with your new cheapie charger?


Clever custom user title.
New Jersey
So can anybody point me to a good charger? Matt's experience is making me think twice about hooking it up to a POS when it arrives.
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Virginia Beach
I just ordered one from the battery store that advertises here. Talked to Wayne and he doesn't offer X discounts. :shrug: I was already on the phone with him and wanted to show some X support so I went ahead and paid a decent amount more than I would have on ebay...
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