Be carefull towing your ski/trailer

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If you have'nt heard Parr Daddy jack knifed a 24' box trailer he was towing.
The wind caught it coming down one of houstons 3 large bridges over the houston ship channel. LUCKLY he walked away.

You guys traveling a long way to ride please make sure your trailer, hitch and gear are good to go.
Here are a few pics of the hitch that came out of his truck when it was over.
Jeremy pulled the hitch out while he was at the impound yard looking over his truck. THE HITCH did not come out in the accident. I believe its a 2 5/16 ball.





Shootin' The Crap
Hey!!! That's my hitch!!!

Any pics of Jeremy's truck and my trailer?!?

I talked to an insurance adjuster on Friday about this. Looks like my trailer just sustained minor damage.

Got to see Jeremy on Sunday for just a little while---very happy that he wasn't too banged up in the incident.


Hows he and the ski's doing?

His wifes ski was in the trailer, It made it out with only one scratch.

this was an enclosed 24' trailer he was using to Move to Florida.......... Ski not envolved.

Oh, his truck was totaled.
Yes but he "I didnt say this" took some stuff off his truck at the yard to sell on ebay. Insurance never covers everything.

Hey!!! That's my hitch!!!

Any pics of Jeremy's truck and my trailer?!?

I talked to an insurance adjuster on Friday about this. Looks like my trailer just sustained minor damage.

Got to see Jeremy on Sunday for just a little while---very happy that he wasn't too banged up in the incident.

No pics of Jeremy's truck.. that I have.

I can run up to Where your Trailer is and get some pics if needed.
I saw it the day after. Tongue is still straight. only minor sheet metal damage on front right corner, faceing it. That is a STRONG trailer!
One of the tires from your trailer is still on the bridge. DOT wants you to come get it!! haha


Your Momma's Lover
Dang.. don't that just suck. Just don't tell AllStock those oil changes while traveling were for nothing. Jeremy was a fanatic about the maintenance on that thing. Bummer! Truck can be replaced. Glad he just got a few dings.
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