Super Jet Beau's RN (rocker kit)


This Is The Way
Staff member
Looking at your photos it looks like you have a standard NPT fitting spraying water into your manifold/chamber. This is A to much water and B to close to your exhaust ports, you will most likely have water ingestion problems because of it. Replace that fitting with a Factory Pipe spray bar (probably also available from McMaster). I am trying to find a picture or a part number for you.

Also, if you can track down some Kawasaki 650 aftermarket intakes like these, you can easily make an adapter plate and have a really cheap upright intake setup.



TigerCraft FV-PRO
Looking at your photos it looks like you have a standard NPT fitting spraying water into your manifold/chamber. This is A to much water and B to close to your exhaust ports, you will most likely have water ingestion problems because of it. Replace that fitting with a Factory Pipe spray bar (probably also available from McMaster). I am trying to find a picture or a part number for you.

Also, if you can track down some Kawasaki 650 aftermarket intakes like these, you can easily make an adapter plate and have a really cheap upright intake setup.

So I see you have built a 66e setup before.. you still running that setup, how did/do you like it?

Water spray's in at the end of the ex. manifold as you see, there is a carburetor main jet inside that 90 degree fitting, will that work? I was told the pipe was removed from a running ski. Doesn't mean it ran well though lol.

Cool idea on the intake manifold. Where did you get the aluminum spacer plate?


This Is The Way
Staff member
This picture sucks but it is the only one I could find ATM, I have one of the spray bars sitting on my shelf at home that I can get a picture of. Basically it does two things, reduces the amount of water going into the pipe (the design allows water to easily backflow into the cylinders if the motor is not running and the ski is tilted nose up) and directs the water further down into the exhaust rather than just blasting it up into the manifold and spraying all over the place.

So I see you have built a 66e setup before.. you still running that setup, how did/do you like it?

The spray's in at the end of the ex. manifold as you see, and there is a carburetor main jet inside that 90 degree fitting, will that work? I was told the pipe was removed from a running ski.

Cool idea on the intake manifold. Where did you get the aluminum spacer plate?
I really liked the 66E, it was a strong motor and a much better platform than the 62t BUT the exhaust options at the time where undesirable to me and the small gas tank that I had to run because of it was the deal breaker so I switch back to a little motor. I would call FPP and buy one of their spray fittings, they are not too expensive and really a much better option. The spacer plate I had made by a guy on here, it is a really simple setup though, as long as you can find the kawi intake(s) and have the stock intake any machine shop should be able to easily make you one. I think I payed like $50 for the kawi intakes and they had the same interior volume as the WDK setup.


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TigerCraft FV-PRO
This picture sucks but it is the only one I could find ATM, I have one of the spray bars sitting on my shelf at home that I can get a picture of. Basically it does two things, reduces the amount of water going into the pipe (the design allows water to easily backflow into the cylinders if the motor is not running and the ski is tilted nose up) and directs the water further down into the exhaust rather than just blasting it up into the manifold and spraying all over the place.

Oic, so it actually sprays the water in what ever direction you want? Of course towards the exhaust pipe.
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TigerCraft FV-PRO
Mill creek is a marina on lake texoma. I thought it might of been, but couldn't remember (in my defense there are 23 marina's on Texoma lol). Its down there between Big Mineral and High Port. Some of the biggest boats on Texoma come out of High Port, we go over there and chase them around the islands time to time.

I don't think it has threads for it but a main should fit into the 1/4" tubing well enough that it will just hang out there, it's been a while though so don't hold me to it.

Oh, so you would run a 1/4 to 1/4 fittings on top of the manifold? Right now it has a 3/8 to a 1/4 fitting


This Is The Way
Staff member
Mandalor I thought it might of been, but couldn't remember (in my defense there are 23 marina's on Texoma lol). Its down there between Big Mineral and High Port. Some of the biggest boats on Texoma come out of High Port, we go over there and chase them around the islands time to time.

Oh, so you would run a 1/4 to 1/4 fittings on top of the manifold? Right now it has a 3/8 to a 1/4 fitting
The fitting I posted has threads that fit (1/8" NPT?) your manifold with a 1/4" barb.


TigerCraft FV-PRO
The fitting I posted has threads that fit (1/8" NPT?) your manifold with a 1/4" barb.

I was talking about the barbed end. Right now it has 3/8" barb on one fitting and 1/4" barb on the other. I haven't looked to see what pipe thread size they are. Sounds like you ran a 1/4" barb to 1/4" barb fittings, going to smaller hose will help reducing water flow.

Nice work on reviving that hull man, I feel your pain on a similar project. Props!



TigerCraft FV-PRO

Engine installed for the last time, or so we hope :D

Bilge pumps, siphon pump, auto float switch all installed.

Sand filters installed

Pump finished up, steering cable, ride plate installed


TigerCraft FV-PRO
How come you decided not to run a stock RN tank? Looking good!

Wont fit with this pipe, stock tank is about 2" to wide, we tried melting the stock tank but couldnt get it narrow enough. Maybe a cold-fusion would fit or thrust etc. Bigger tank will be fitted at a later date. Just trying to get it running.


This Is The Way
Staff member
i had a stock tank in my superjet while running that pipe...
I'm calling BS on this one, lets see some pictures. I tried fitting a stock tank as well, it was a no go.

*edit, just remembered you are running that crazy homemade chamber, that might fit a stock tank.
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