best footholds for a SN?

im leaning towards those tom21 footholds... i like the idea of being able to fit alot of padding in there, as I usually end up riding barefoot anyways.

boris - thanks a million. last question, isn't there foam where that goes ? how did you get the hole drilled in the back and the bulkhead? im thinking holesaw, but you still had to do something with the foam, right?


The Good Old Days
You can't go wrong with TOMs footholds.
I had to cut my holds up a few times just to get similar results but TOMs weren't available at the time.

The rear and bulk head need to be drilled with a hole saw (make sure you have all your parts before you select the size of the saw). Than you can take a length of pipe, cut some teeth into one end making it like a long hole saw and spin it into the foam cutting through it all the way to the other end. Foam cuts really easy.

I remember seeing some pictures on the Blowsion site.
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