Understood. I am learning that weight placement is important for maximum pump hookup on the 2019 RN SJ too.
In comparison though, weight placement is absolutely critical to make and keep the pump hooked up on the 1995 FX-1.
On the 2019 RN SJ, the oem grate/pump brakes
severely when letting off the throttle. I actually was thrown forward and off to the side the day before yesterday when I let off the throttle at the end of a WOT run. Apparently this is a racing feature allowing for braking into the turn around a buoy. I look forward to learning how to use throttle braking during turns. The ski definitively rewards leaning my head and body fully forward over the nose of the ski when turning with weight on the front foot and pushing forward from the rear foot in surf stance. There is a front sponson (oem molded in) wobble at moderate speeds, but it disappears at WOT. So, far by gps I have gotten it up to 48.2 mph.
In comparison, the 1995 FX-1 continues to slide forward allot more when letting off the throttle, although it does brake somewhat but nothing compared to the severe braking built into the 2019 RN SJ. The FX-1 is sketchy at WOT. I love the
@waxhead rear sponsons on it for turning tight. I have
@tom21 front sponsons for it, which I haven't put on yet. I have no doubt that it will make turning the FX-1 even better by making the ski roll up out of the turns easier but, quite frankly I am a little scared to put them on because I don't want to add front sponson wobble to the FX-1 on already sketchy WOT runs. I have a Protec extended ride plate on it, but may try a different ride plate hoping to reduce the sketchiness at WOT.
Watching T.C. Freeride, the Worx WR228 apparently
increases braking for buoy racing the 2008+ RN SJ as well as handling rough water in races well: