Can I use an SXR/SXI cable to fit my Xmetal throttle without using an adapter? Or are they the wrong length?
Stock duals, front pull. Parker yamaha has 95sxi cables for $25 (wsm).The SXR/SXI cables still require the throttle cable adapter.
I've been told, by Matt_E I think, that the older SX cables have the wider threaded area, thus do not need the throttle adapter... I have purchased a cable, but have not installed it yet.
On your carb side you'll have to open up the bracket hole to accept the larger diameter.
Now length, I have heard they are a little longer than the RN, more like a SN, but am not certain.
Are you running a front pull or rear pull throttle butterfly? Single or dual carbs?
Stock duals, front pull. Parker yamaha has 95sxi cables for $25 (wsm).
I used a kawi throttle cable on my SJ and it does not fit without making a new bracket. The cable is too long and the stock bracket will not take out all of the slack. The picture shows what you will have to do.
What kawi ski ski that cable for?I used a kawi throttle cable on my SJ.
What kawi ski ski that cable for?
I used a 1993 750sx cable with no mods other than grinding out the Yam cable holder at the carb. The kawi cable is vastly superior to the Yamaha cable and 1/2 the price. :bigok:
Thanks for the heads up to Matt_E
93 750SX cable costs $30-ish new and is a MUCH better quality than the Yamaha cable.
In order for this to work, you need the following:
1. A finger throttle without adapter, so that the thicker Kawi barrel fits
2. Possibly an aftermarket throttle drum on the carb to get the pull right (It may work with stock, I've never tried)
3. You may need to enlarge the hole in the stock cable bracket by the carbs.
On #3: I have used the aftermarket diaphragm-mounted bracket without modfications.
On my current engine, I am using a R&D manifold. I had to enlarge the hole in the bracket mount.
93 750SX cable costs $30-ish new and is a MUCH better quality than the Yamaha cable.
In order for this to work, you need the following:
1. A finger throttle without adapter, so that the thicker Kawi barrel fits
2. Possibly an aftermarket throttle drum on the carb to get the pull right (It may work with stock, I've never tried)
3. You may need to enlarge the hole in the stock cable bracket by the carbs.
On #3: I have used the aftermarket diaphragm-mounted bracket without modfications.
On my current engine, I am using a R&D manifold. I had to enlarge the hole in the bracket mount.
Crammit turned me onto that.
Stock duals, front pull. Parker yamaha has 95sxi cables for $25 (wsm).
Who?DGY has the OEM Kawi cable for $24.88.