Best tool to change steering cable?

Does anybody know of a useful tool to use when changing out the steering cable? I stripped the crap out of my plastic connector that holds the steering cable in place and threads into hull. I don't want to do that to my brand new '08 steering cable. Thanks.



steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Ahhh.......I don't think any "special" tool is required.

Simply use some pliers and be gentle. Also, without the pump in there you can get it out by hand.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
i also have a hell of a time getting mine off... and i get to do it again, here in a few days... :(

i alsways completely remove the pump and their is no way i can hand tighten mine. my problem is when using a wrench the cable wonts to spin itself out (CWW).. so every time i go to tighten it, it just slips back out and i took 2steps forwards and 1 back. a big pain in my aurs.. like they say slow and steady wins the race


The Good Old Days
Pull the pump and get a Crescent wrench on there while holding the other part with some channel locks. Basic tools I had at the beach.
Just did mine on Sunday and will be doing it again as soon as my new OEM (screw the aftermarket crap) one arrives.


makin' legs
Do u have proof that is works that way or just untested theory?(LOL)

No proof, but I heard it from some racer guy.....he used to race back in the day and they had to tone down his boat because this wrench made it hit too hard.......even harder than the factory brand wrench........:eek:uttahere:

Fro Diesel

creative control
patience:dunno: i didn't have a problem on mine the other day. I left the pump in too. Just use some channel locks and be nice, i took two breaks while working it out just cuz it was at a bad angle and i am lazy. good luck.


makin' legs
You could probably do it with a long basin wrench, but I'd just snatch the pump out. It only takes a second.


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What I have used that works well is one of those rubber sttrap wrenches.

Couple bucks at the harbor freight...or use mine.


Анархия - мать порядка!
I used almost that same thing. I had an old one laying around that I should have thrown away because they do NOT work well with removing a tight oil filter on my truck. I guess they have a purpose, just like old people.

They work great for opening a jar of pickles. I keep them in the kitchen.
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