I understand the concerns with buyer protection, but i personally would never wire a large sum of money to anyone, even those who i have known here for years. A smat forum troll would know to hack a well known account that is on hiatus and start sending pms (i can think of a few right off the top of my head, but you can see number of posts, number of likes and last post on the forum stats). Its not like this is a secure server with multiple password layers. Our password here can be 2 lower case letters and that is it. Some a hole in another country with nothing better to do could easily phish a password and set up an american bank account. People are stealing whole houses using fradualant paperwork then liquidating the equity via fraudulant bank loans, and they do that in person (see adverse domain). Scamming you out of a wire transfer is pretty simple.
Personally, i cant afford a loss of a sale gone south. That is why i refuse to ship my sxr to even repitable buyers (dont take it personally guys, we have a big market here, im not motivated to ship). But, if i did cave and ship a hull or ski, id feel safe using paypal. Pictures are your friend. Take pictures of everything, videos of it running or floating if applicable, pictures of crate construction a d the item in the crate as it is sealed, and tracking numbers including shipping receipts with weights.
Thee are paypal horror stories, and i personally have not experienced one, but ive never heard of a seller with all their ducks in a row getting the shaft.