beware of courtney moffet/thomas in canada

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Yes it appears DoogieSux & Courtney are the same person -- beware if either one shows up at an event. Thye were totally cool in Florida but no one knew the truth of the matter until we got back & Started putting pieces of the puzzle together --- we all got scammed to our faces!!!

If they aren't the same person Doogie was there with a quiet friend and that was supposedly courtney --

Just be careful -- they still owe us at HydroTurf money as well.
HTVixen said:
Yes it appears DoogieSux & Courtney are the same person -- beware if either one shows up at an event. Thye were totally cool in Florida but no one knew the truth of the matter until we got back & Started putting pieces of the puzzle together --- we all got scammed to our faces!!!

If they aren't the same person Doogie was there with a quiet friend and that was supposedly courtney --

check this out..... these are from PMs. i hope you dont mind, blasterboy1980.

blasterboy1980 said:
hey last year that guy came down from canada met me through pwctoday and ripped me off, -on the post I explaining my self to everyone about the tnt pipe and refering to someone ripping me off he's the guy holly ******** he still owe's me like 200 bucks, thats ********ing crzy he came down to pick up skis and straight dipped out with my trailer before paying me or my dad for the trailer sketch!!

sflsurfrider said:
holy shyt is right! he just outright stole your trailer?!?!?! did it have skis on it too? what a DICK! what did he look like? shaved head? tatoos?

id post that in the courtney negative feedback thread.


blasterboy1980 said:
hes a really small guy, and he had a really short hair cut and some kind of wierd like semi gotee uner his bottom lip. he came down with some guy who had tatoos and they were in a range/land rover, he paid for the skis, but never paid us for the trailer, same deal said he was going to wire the money but never did.

sounds like blasterboy has met doogie and courtney and pretty much confirms that they are 2 people.

.....unless blasterboy is courtney/doogie



It must go faster!
Key West

yea I dont mind yall using my quotes, the whole thing with him is just so messed up, I havent raced in a while buy did really actually come down for an event? ******** If I see him at a race he;s going to know what up., my dad to this day say's he doesnt want me doing business with people in canada just in fear that it might be courtney calling himself some other name?:sneaky:
blasterboy1980 said:
yea I dont mind yall using my quotes, the whole thing with him is just so messed up, I havent raced in a while buy did really actually come down for an event? ******** If I see him at a race he;s going to know what up., my dad to this day say's he doesnt want me doing business with people in canada just in fear that it might be courtney calling himself some other name?:sneaky:

i understand his concern, for sure. but, if you find a prospective deal in canada from an unknown person, ask about that person here. someone, like the team ugly crew for example, is likely to know them and whether or not theyre shady.


1974 YZ 701
if any one would like corts home phone I have that his address as well
but please leave me out of this I did nothing I was just the shy driver
I got scammed big to I lost 3500 dollars. my email is

Every 6 months or so a new guy joins to help us.. lol

Sorry dude we have his #... we gave up and Im sure you think you could help us but really.. we are way beyond help..
Please let this die as we were told courtney died months ago and please dont tell us otherwise.. we like it this way.. thanks.
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Well I doubt they died. I am always on eBay looking for stuff I don't have already for my X2's. Well they have been bidding a lot of Kawasaki 650 stuf. I was going to bid on something a few months back and didn't because I figured they would just jack the bids up. If they are into ripping people off, they are probably into bidding high an not paying up as well. I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for the part so I will wait for the next one.
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