Freestyle big dog life jackets

im looking to get one pretty soon, and just wondered what you guys have tried, whats junk etc...
i would like to find a nice jacket that will last a summer or 2 at least.
amazon has some pretty good deals right now and was about to pull the trigger, but thought i should ask around first.

my dogs is 75lbs now and still growing, only 9 months now. so i need one thats good for around 100 lbs



St. Clair, MI
Yes i am also looking into the same right now.

We have 2 boxers that love to swim but 1 has a bad hip so this would help her in that aspect also.

They are about 70 and 80 lbs. Just do not want to spend the money and have them be junk.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I love their expressions (Breed). Neighbor has 2 of them. The older "BeeBee" only does "Drive by petting", she runs past and lets you pet her for about 1 second that takes off!
I love their expressions (Breed). Neighbor has 2 of them. The older "BeeBee" only does "Drive by petting", she runs past and lets you pet her for about 1 second that takes off!

haha that sounds right, i love weims over any other for me. they take an insane amount of attention and exercise, but worth it in every way!
there emotions and actions are almost human

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
This is your little guy. He is about 10 months old. Girl that would stay at our house when we go out of town found him when he was about 5 weeks old. Lab Retriever Mix???? Well, Izzy got attached to "Joe B" so he is still around. To say how rotten he is, there is a chair to the right that is his, something was in it so he took mine. Guess what, There was a pillow in the Green Chair, he moved it out of the way.
haha yeah i know the feeling, mine has his "spot" on the couch and his own chair. rotten isnt even the word. and occasionally he takes over the whole couch

Think this is the one I have:

It's orange with a strap in front for the chest, and a handle like a suitcase on top. My dog's a german shepherd and about 80 pounds. Only issue with it is it seems kinda tight. The sides don't bulge out really (kinda 2 dimensional and flat). But it's worked great for her so far. Though it seems comfortable to my dog, she doesn't try to rub it off and can run around and swim fine.

Obviously she can swim crazy well, but like you said, it's just that since she stays out so long she gets tired. Got it after we went "river bobbing" one time and she swam for about an hour straight and kept trying to climb on me she was so exhausted. My dad's also told me his old german shepherd had to be saved a few times cause she would fetch until she couldn't swim anymore.
thanks man! i like that one the best so far, the bulk pad in the front im sure he will eat first time out lol

a thin strap would work better

and he will run around the yard to the point he just falls over, so im sure he will do the same in the water and i dont want him drowning from exhaustion.
last time he swam he was 3 months and it was cold, i hope to get him out there this weekend and do some more swimming lessons lol
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very nice! i like Sheppard's.
i want another one already, but the ole lady might nix that. she has never had a dog before and im breaking her in with a weimaraner haha
Never had a dog before?! What kind of person is that?! I don't know what I would do without my dog, only thing that can stand hanging out with me! Though on average I prefer any dog over any person, so that might explain it lol
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