Big Throw

:baby:this is a verryy cool trick i am fortuante to have learned just at the end of the season...yea its dangerouse and if you feel a lil scared or have some fear
wear your helmet:smashfreakB:

As you would any aerial trick such as a roll or stab or even a want to make a setup wake, it give the trick more air time and allows you to know whats goin on so you can sorta kinda bail. i use the L turn.

when coming back to the wake you want to be going just about plane to a little under plane speed. Then you would pop your nose up just before the wake comes turning the bars right and then dip it right down at the wave(sorta a left then right motion)and then right as your ski comes in contact with the wake, you would crank the bars and nail the throttle.

the next step is kind of tricky to figure out as you can do a few different things to spin the boat 180*
I just simply lift my feet out of the tray with a lil jump and right at that moment with my left hand on the left bar i yank the front end of the ski to my gut
*another way to do it is to kick the boat on one of the rails im not sure which(i think the right) as it never worked for me it just threw me further away from the boat.
then for a little added bonus you may climb back on the front of the ski and whip yourself back into the tray.

Things TO remember

1 setup wake properly
2 plan how you hit the wake
3 move left then right
4 jump out of the tray and yank those barrs
5 grab the nose and hang onn
*this is all in reference to throwing to the left*:baby:


when i go up for mine i go straight into the setup wake heels hanging off the back of the tray and use the throttle to bounce the nose once before you go up your setup wake and then when your goin up the wake nail the throttle turn the bars and push off the tray with your feet and keep your eyes on the hull it will come right around and the nose will be at your chest i usually get very nice height on mine just time the wake right and push off at the last minute
yes thanks bill i left some of that stuff out...keeping feet out of holds and bouncing the nose

i got motivatiion from you guys and your help with explaining it at lake anna
I'm gonna have to give that a try, sounds like fun. I like reading this step-by-step. Makes more sense than trying to just watch a video.

I just have to wait for the water to turn from a solid to a liquid
fast foward to 1:03

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yea that video has some nice throws in it
one of my favorites is the throw where the ski is vertical and spins
it just looks cool with you twirling it
i have yet to try but i plan on crankin on out


Jace Forest...BRAP!
just like superslug said wear a helmet with this trick even though you should ALWAYS wear a helmet. I hurt myself the most doing throws, 15 stiches in my chin, now I ALWAYS wear a helmet


Jace Forest...BRAP!
Heres when I busted my chin, wish I had a pic of the cut. The bad part about it was I had to get stiched up in china, good times.


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Jace Forest...BRAP!
Yep yep thats a stock ski. It was for a show I did in universal studios. I had hydro-turf lifter wedges and o.d.i grips. I rode that ski everyday for about 8 hours for 3 months
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