Bikes, not skis but epic none the less


So long and thanks for all the fish
As long as they're not hurting anything I don't care, but to whine about getting bumped when they're evading by going the wrong direction up an on-ramp, get over it, it's part of the game.
theres quite a bit more behind the ROC than you think its not just a f-you to cops its a salute to our fallen riders....i understand where youre coming from but we dont put anyone except outselfs in danger in big rides like that....we have large safty meetings before street rides and if youre not a good stuntrider that to the back of the pack. tons of fun imo but i can see both sides of the argument i just needed to chime in
I hear ya, I am not a rider but have been friends with several and also understand both sides. I was actually talking to a cop about it today. His stance was similar to mine, He said "the police were causing most of the problem, Just let them do their thing and less people will be hurt. Giving them tickets, impounding bikes and chasing them around all day just makes them act out worse to prove they can and puts more people in danger of being involved in a chase or wreck."
The way I see it is just stay out of their way and deal with the few minutes of traffic they might cause. Most of the riders doing the stunts are completely capable of pulling them off without issues if no one gets in their way.


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
You can see why the cops wanted to break it up...3000 riders and only a handful of HP officers in comparison. That many riders and you will have a few large egos in there that think they are a hot azz. They do a stupid stunt it goes wrong and then take out 10 other riders. Hence your fallen riders. It sucks some people have lost their lives, but causing others to lose theirs by stupid stuff like in that vid. Not smart IMO!

It's still impressive to see that many people riding in one shot. Glad they were all wearing helmets.

Done with soapbox, someone else can have it now.
I always get nervous when guys in front of me are stunting while riding in a big group. No matter how good you are stunting belongs in the back of the pack. You can argue both sides on the whole cops being in the wrong in regard to bumping the bikes. You could see that one cop literally turn into that bike. That's not cool. It's not like they are bank robbers or murderers. That poor girl on the back has no control in the matter and you could have given her a life long leg injury.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
As long as they're not hurting anything I don't care, but to whine about getting bumped when they're evading by going the wrong direction up an on-ramp, get over it, it's part of the game.

Cop should've hit them. Going the wrong way on the 'on ramp' could've killed an innocent driver or passenger. They should've just pulled over and fought the tickets in court. That will be the last of that ride.
Some cool riding. I haven't had a street bike since '03 when I sold my last one and bought a RN. It looks like fun, but if you go around in a large group with an "F the Police" attitude, you're asking to be stopped. These vids depict all kinds of antics that are seriously illegal. Provoking law enforcement, running from the cops, playing around and blocking the freeway ect, but then when the cops arrive, they act like innocent victims of harassment. I understand it's rare that anyone gets hurt besides the rider, but it does happen. If one guy loops out and causes a pile up behind him, a lot of innocent riders get hurt, their girlfriends riding on the back get hurt, and if nothing else it causes an expensive inconvenience to public services and everyone else on the road while the mess has to be cleaned up. It just gives all riders a bad name and creates disdain from the general public.
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