bilge pump bracket

hey guys i wanan install a bilge pump in my ski but idk whats the best way to mount it..........i was thinkin to by a bracket but my questions is do you have to remove the stock bilge to use the brakect they sell or does it clear it and u can still keep the stock on in there. any input for this smal thing would help....
yea i was goin to glue it down but i know wit enough impact from landing sometimes it will breack the seal and the bilge will just be bouncing around so thats y i was leanin towards the braket so i dont have to be gluin it again in the middle of the season you know
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yea, if you prep both sides properly and use the correct type of glue it will not come undone. Or just use the bracket, prolly get them used pretty cheap.


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
I took my bracket off and glued mine. The bracket does not hold the pump low enough so theres allways a good 1/2" or more of water left in the bottom of the hull
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