Bilge Wiring instructions NEEDED


Always building something!
New Jersey, USA
I have an OCD tidy bilge with a three way rotary switch. I need the wiring instructions so that I can run one pump on auto and one pump on manual. I cant seem to find OCD solutions Wiring Schematics. Thanks

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
That feature is not a matter of connecting one of my dual kits up a special way, they were specifically built kits of which I only ever built three.

It's been so long I'll have to hook it up on the bench and test it out. I can't remember if it needs a standard 3 position toggle or if it needs a diode to function correctly.

stay tuned...

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Alright, the diode is not needed to achieve either both pumps on in manual or just the auto pump on by itself.

The auto pump has three wires, brown, black and brown/white.
-black is ground
-brown is auto
-brown/white is manual operation

Connect the brown wire on the manual pump and the brown/white wire from the auto pump to one side of the 3 position switch.

Then you will need to add a third wire to your harness from the ebox to the auto pump and use it to connect the brown wire on the auto pump to the other side of the three position switch.

Position 1 = both pumps on in manual
Center = both pumps off
Position 2 = one pump off, one pump running in auto.
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