here is some more info on it from my build thread.
wanted to keep the motor stock for reliability puposes. i figured the 135 hp would be sufficent enough without having to mod it further.
we ended up doing a complete rebuild of the 1200 motor from bottom to top. found a exhaust outlet from a ultra 150 and thought it would look more like something oem then one of the custom outlets available. ended up with 15/22 big hub swirl prop, in a stock pump that i drilled and tapped for dual cooling.
when we finished, the only aftermarket items were, airfilters, for fittment purposes
after market intake grate and ride plate, along with the prop.
the motor is completely stock, and she turns a true 58 m.p.h. on gps!!
the best part about it, is nothing and i mean
nothing has been able to pull a hole shot on this ski so far.
the customer this was built for has been very happy with it and would rather ride it then his 2012 rxp. lol and yes it pulls away from the rxp too.
here is what larry had to say about it.
Time for the full review, got the ski back from Dave on Friday. Where do I start.
--- Ski, AWESOME, it pulls like a freight train. Unreal punch from a slight plain. Took it out to the ocean on Saturday does not feel much heavier in the surf. Jumps very neutral still. Rode another couple hours in the lake, what a blast. Corners a little different but nothing crazy. I have an 2012 RXP-X as well. The blaster will jump it and fend it off for a while, quite shocking. Of course the RXP will wiz by it, but it could not catch it as fast as I thought it would. A little squirrely top end, but hopefully a new ride plate will solve it. I will be working on ride plate/grate/sponsons and keep this updated.
-- Quality of Work. I have had jet skis since the 80's. Been around alot of mechanics. Dave's work is OUTSTANDING. I showed the ski to a couple of people and they commented on how clean everything looks, almost factory. I feel his pricing was fair for a custom build as well. Would not hesitate to send any work his way, not something you can say about alot of mechanics here in South Florida.
All in all very happy hopefully getting more ride time in this week after work. To anyone on the fence about a 3 cyl conversion, go for it. I bought this blaster new in 93, so I figure this should be good for another 20 years, LOL.