Blaster Blaster taking on water; considering buying it

I'm going to look at a Blaster today. Pretty much stock other than a pipe (seems unusual that's the only mod) The seller says he had it out in the surf, which he does do regularly and said it took on more water than usual. Should I be concerned? Where could the water come from other than obvious top from rolling around in the surf? Anything I should look for?


Blast eet!
Anything to look for on the midshaft while its sitting out of the water?

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It will be hard to see unless the coupler cover is off, the midshaft has a seal that seals to the bulkhead. Its unlikely that's where the leak is coming from, but its possible. Most likely a beat up or worn hood seal.
From experience, I'll add aftermarket pipe screws loosening allowing water from pipe into hull. But that would be minimal compared to other issues.
Also, if you want to determine if it's a leak in the hull or a seal, you can fill up the bilge when it's dry and on the trailer (don't fill too much!) and see where water leaks out. If you have it on a slight incline, like on your driveway, that would help.
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