- Location
- Gold Coast, Australia
WOW, really? Thanks for letting me know water comes through the nozzle......:hitwithrock: And no, nozzle weight has much more than .5% to do with the lever pull. Have you ridden the blowsion setup? Its very heavy. The way the blowsion cable connects to the nozzle is just very strange and not very well thought out.....
I was explaining that the thrust is what causes the 'weight' as your said you installed a metal steering nozel and that made it heavy.
once the boat is running at 2-3k RPM the weight of the nozzle would have almost nothing to do with the weight of your lever.
Its the length of the nozzle thats making it harder to pull.
Stop being so quick to get your angry pants dance on.
And yes i have ridden blowsion, wamiltons, thrust, and a flipped solas pump trim.
My hydrospace had a hydraulic trim, if someone could work out how to make one of these go up instead of down it would be the best trim in the world.
thrust is the best available at the moment.