blueprinting pump


toronto canada
is it worth blueprinting pump i am doing mine with dremmel but keep eating bits anybody done theirs blueprinting is the process of smoothing the rough edges in pump area


Our home is girt by sea
Get a carbide bur for the dremel to do 95% of the work, then use the dremel abrasives to smoothen and finish off.

And yes, a real grinder would be better.


thanks darin...noswad!
is it worth blueprinting pump i am doing mine with dremmel but keep eating bits anybody done theirs blueprinting is the process of smoothing the rough edges in pump area
No, that would be the last thing on my list. My boat rocks with the big hub impeller, the older pumps needed it to process the water better.
Barrie, ON
I did one of my X2 pumps a while back with a carbide burr and air powered die grinder. Just keep dipping the burr in grease or oil to keep the burr from loading up with aluminum. Smooth out the finish with a flapper wheel. Did I notice a difference after??? ....absolutely none but I sure felt cool because having a blueprinted pump sure sounds cool.
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