BMX Freestyle 1988

SJ Thumpa

My best friends kid ranked up there a few years back in bmx. (Dave my buddy wraped his bike and stuck it up in the attic to give to him later in his life) So remember that when your kids do something awesome..

Some days we hit the beach here in florida and always see a few guys our age riding there old racers. brings back good times for sure..

They've introduced old school races and have an old school stand with memorabelia at the intercity meets in NZ. The kids love watching the 80's vids of their age group races.

James (6) has fun with and sometimes races the world 1 seven year old who's parents really regret selling some of his earlier gear. I could never bring myself to sell James' outgrown or superceded bikes. So far we've rebuilt them and lend them to kids that show a little potential and/or are fearless. Nothing like seeing the little guy's and girl's eyes light up.

That Xmas vid is priceless!! What year?
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Just moving to new house and my haro master just appeared, it has been missed. I do believe that I am inspired.

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
The good old days:headbang: There used to be at least 1 good ramp in every town. Back then I stole enough wood on the mid-night lumber runs to build a few houses. My 5yr old rides a old school Hutch mini and I've got a 24in. Waiting for the day that mom needs to pick us both up at the hospital. Cool vid... Nice ballbreaker at the end:silly:
Wow.. The little man and I just watched Rad the other night. My 5 year old is starting to "freestyle" his bike.. (he tells me what he can do and shows me with the little walmart toy) but he still can't ride without me holding the seat.. LOL

I traded my Dyno performer with those weak 5 spoke plastic wheels for a set of ratchet shifters for my mountain bike. I didn't know that there was a demand for them. I broke a LOT of bones doing what you see in magazines.
i found a pic of me from 1982 , got to love the hair :-}}}

note the 2 tires needed for me to reach the ground



My home away from home.
X2. Mike Dominguez was a good rider. Just saw a show on Fuel a couple weeks ago on freestyle that was from this time, showing how it all got started and Mike was in it. He is a super cool guy. Met him in like 86 I think. A buddie of mine knew him a little, so we went to his house once to see if we could ride with him. Mike's arm was broken, so he wasn't riding, but others were. Me and my buddy rode a bit, but not much. He had a pretty high 1/4 pipe and it was kinda freaky. (higher than anything from our area) Later that night we met up at the San Leandro park and watched some incredibly awesome flatland freestyle. A whole bunch of guys were there riding and it was AWESOME to watch. I thought I was pretty good, but those guys had so many tricks we never even thought of. Super cool guys though... They were really into helping us learn new tricks, it was too much fun. Plus they loved laughing it up when we wadded. Thanks for posting that up DJ. I had no idea there was even video of that stuff. Holy crap I feel old lol!
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