SJ Thumpa
My best friends kid ranked up there a few years back in bmx. (Dave my buddy wraped his bike and stuck it up in the attic to give to him later in his life) So remember that when your kids do something awesome..
Some days we hit the beach here in florida and always see a few guys our age riding there old racers. brings back good times for sure..
They've introduced old school races and have an old school stand with memorabelia at the intercity meets in NZ. The kids love watching the 80's vids of their age group races.
James (6) has fun with and sometimes races the world 1 seven year old who's parents really regret selling some of his earlier gear. I could never bring myself to sell James' outgrown or superceded bikes. So far we've rebuilt them and lend them to kids that show a little potential and/or are fearless. Nothing like seeing the little guy's and girl's eyes light up.
That Xmas vid is priceless!! What year?
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