Boat Ramp Accident


Lexington, KY
I usually pull the skis on the trailer and have my girlfriend pull them out with the truck. I was walking up the ramp after doing this one day, and a lady asked me if I could back the truck in for her boyfriend. He was in the boat waiting for her. I told her I was soaked since I just got out of the water. She said she didn't &**king care, since she'd been trying to back the trailer up for 10 minutes. I got in and soaked his seats in his 30K truck, and backed it in the water for him.


i had a blonde moment at the ramp. I was loading my jon-boat and saw another boat coming quickly toward the ramp. Trying to be courteous, I was rushing to get out of the way...
The boat went right passed the ramp, up the bank of the canal, into the dirt parking lot, and up onto a trailer.

It was an air boat. Those guys don't need ramps!
use to work for a ferry goin to an island near my house, the launch is right at the ferry dock, me and a fellow ferry driver got to see a 28 ft searay fall off a trailer onto concrete, best part of the job was watchin the boat ramp, oh and getting paid to do so
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