Custom/Hybrid BOB backfire

Ok everything is hooked up correctly and my bob is still backfiring. im pulling gas and getting spark. could it be a bad msd enhancer? before the swap everything worked fine the only think that changed was a stock sj tank to a kart tank


X-H20 certified
San Diego
the year 1919,put it this way, it was a good year for woodrow.well there should be fuel in your carbs,but if you have a bad seat .its possible to have fuel leak into the pipe,then when you start it kapow!but if this is the issue its usually a violent backfire.if its backfiring while running its probably timing ,could be a sheared woodruff key.
He's my CSI, if you really didn't change anything but hulls.
The first back fire was from over priming and you have gas in the cases or chamber or somthing. That first back fire broke Woodrow Wilson. Now you are off timing.
ok so before i order a new msd how do i check the woodruff key? it is a violent backfire and its as soon as i left off the start button. Another question can you have a bad msd enhancer and still be getting spark?
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